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Thursday, January 15, 2009 

Where to Find the Mahler - Das Lied von der Erde & Kindertotenlieder / Debart, Du Clossel, De Rooser, Jossoud, Brua

Mahler's classic song cycle, "The Song of the Earth," is presented in a uniquely staged setting. Under the direction of Georges Bessonnet and conductor Dominique Debart, the Bass Normandy Orchestral Ensemble with tenor Vincent De Rooster and mezzo-soprano Helene Jossoud perform this most personal of Mahler's works. Also included is Mahler's "Kindertotenlieder," performed by the Atelier Lyrique et Symphonique du Centre with mezzo-soprano Claire Brua.

You should see it, make no mistake this is a definite blockbuster!

Wow! I really loved the movie Mahler - Das Lied von der Erde & Kindertotenlieder / Debart, Du Clossel, De Rooser, Jossoud, Brua. The movie is absolutely stunning with top-notch graphics and visuals while Dominique Debart deliver some award-winning performances in this movie.

CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD Mahler - Das Lied von der Erde & Kindertotenlieder / Debart, Du Clossel, De Rooser, Jossoud, Brua ONLINE!

I also think Amaury du Clossel was great! The visuals and graphics make for some very realistic on screen special-effects but that is the beauty of the movie.When the movie wants to be funny it is funny, the same is true for when the movie needs to deliver its scary aspects.

I think Dominique Debart and Amaury du Clossel worked wonderful in Mahler - Das Lied von der Erde & Kindertotenlieder / Debart, Du Clossel, De Rooser, Jossoud, Brua. The great supporting cast includes Dominique Debart, Amaury du Clossel, Vincent de Rooster.

WATCH Mahler - Das Lied von der Erde & Kindertotenlieder / Debart, Du Clossel, De Rooser, Jossoud, Brua ONLINE BY CLICKING HERE!

I think Dominique Debart and Amaury du Clossel worked wonderful in Mahler - Das Lied von der Erde & Kindertotenlieder / Debart, Du Clossel, De Rooser, Jossoud, Brua. The great supporting cast includes Dominique Debart, Amaury du Clossel, Vincent de Rooster.

I left some information, immages, and video previews of Mahler - Das Lied von der Erde & Kindertotenlieder / Debart, Du Clossel, De Rooser, Jossoud, Brua below.

CLICK ON IMAGE BELOW TO GET Mahler - Das Lied von der Erde & Kindertotenlieder / Debart, Du Clossel, De Rooser, Jossoud, Brua ONLINE:

Where to Find the  MOVIETITLEMACRO

Mahler - Das Lied von der Erde & Kindertotenlieder / Debart, Du Clossel, De Rooser, Jossoud, Brua Trailer:

You can get Mahler - Das Lied von der Erde & Kindertotenlieder / Debart, Du Clossel, De Rooser, Jossoud, Brua at www.Amazon.com as well.


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